FAQ Mentor connection
FAQ   Mentor Connection 

How do I make a Mentor Connection?
Select your Mentor, fill out the Protégé application, including a writing sample, and submit.   We will contact the Mentor with your application and you should hear by email within the week if you have been accepted as a Protégé by your chosen Mentor.   You'll then have 7 days to submit payment through our bookstore to confirm the Mentor Connection.   Remember, a portion of your fee will go directly to literary and literacy programs, which is the focus of augustwords.org.  

When do mentorships begin?  How long do they last?
As a Protégé you’ll receive a welcoming email from your new Mentor within a few days of confirmation, as they fit you into their writing schedule, establishing the Mentor Connection for the following 6 weeks.  You’ll receive a unique email address for your Mentor exclusively for your use during that time.

Who selects my Mentor?
You do.  And your Mentor selects you.  All our Mentors have been carefully screened to be sure they are not only successful authors working daily in the publishing industry, but also nurturing advisors.  In setting mentorship fees and length of mentorships we have tried to balance good value with affordability.  Remember, a portion of your mentorship fee will go directly to literary and literacy programs, which is the focus of augustwords.org.  

Who determines the content of the mentorship?
These mentorships are unique in that they are not a cookie-cutter class, but rather a one-on-one line of communication shaped specifically for you, by you and your chosen Mentor.  Plus, our Mentors are not editors critiquing your work, but rather career counselors, guiding you as only a successful author can, to focus your energies, orchestrate your career, and challenge your muse.  Mentors also offer their own experiences to answer all your questions regarding your writing career, publishing, marketing, and writing craft.

How often will I hear from my Mentor?  
Each mentorship is for a 6-week period during which you will receive a minimum of 6 email exchanges, approximately one long, juicy email from your Mentor each week full of questions, assignments, and challenges for you to work on during the following week and respond.  Your Mentor will also offer their own experience to answer all your questions regarding a writing career, publishing, marketing, and writing craft.

Will my Mentor edit my work?
No.  However, your Mentor may request to read a sample of your work, outlines, query letters, and the like, to help you determine what you should study to succeed.  Do not try to persuade your Mentor into accepting any writing for evaluation - that is not the purpose of the mentorship.

Can I apply for additional Mentor Connections with the same Mentor?
Yes, you might like to build on your work with a particular Mentor by making another Mentor Connection directly following your initial mentorship or perhaps following a publishing milestone or obstacle.  But you may wish to broaden your experience by selecting a different Mentor for your next Mentor Connection.

Will my Mentor be my new BFF? 
At any point in time you may see your Mentor as your advisor, guide, coach, confidant, guru, cheerleader, inspiration, counselor, master, patron, role model, developer of talent, opener of doors, or teacher.  However, a new best friend?  No.  It is considered bad form for a Protégé to take advantage of this relationship by asking your Mentor to go beyond what they offer within the Mentor Connection.  Also note that all Advisors, Mentors, and Protégés are expected to operate in accordance with our nondiscriminatory policy regarding race, religion, gender, age, color, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital or veteran status, or any other classification protected by applicable law.


Each time you take advantage of our resources - like making a mentor connection - we donate to writing and literacy charities such as writers conferences and reading programs. The more you do, the more good we can do, together.